Lazy Brain is a Thing


Our brains are naturally lazy, just like our bodies. The brain wants homeostasis, status quo. Notice your thoughts around coming to a yoga practice. Your brain probably likes the idea, but not necessarily enough to take action.

Maybe your thoughts are something like this: Who will be there? I don’t know any poses. What if I do it wrong? Who am I kidding, I can’t do yoga! Everyone will be watching me. This idea makes me uncomfortable. I can’t do it.

Me when I started doing yoga: I like the class and it does help me feel calmer and more patient, but I think I will stay home and (fill in the blank). I had every excuse in the book to skip.

My husband when I started doing yoga: Yeah, you should go. You are definitely more chill afterwards.

I didn’t start doing yoga to become a teacher. I started doing yoga because I was desperate to calm my anxiety and get a deep breath again. I stuck with it because I got better: physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I started with one class a week for a few months. Then I started adding in a few short classes in between my weekly hour class. This obvious transformation within is what created desire for me to learn more about yoga and become a teacher.

All you have to do is move past lazy brain and show up. Add in a new thought, “I like the idea of doing yoga and I am going give it a test drive.”

You can lay on your mat the whole time and just breathe. You can pause when you don’t feel comfortable in a pose. ‘You do you’ during the class. I challenge YOU to show up for YOU. You can do this:)

Andrea Lantz