End of year reflection time…


This is a picture of me in November on a plateau in California. This captured a special moment of personal celebration. I have been climbing a pretty steep mountain for a long time now, making my way through unchartered paths, trusting the voice within as I came to different sign posts, leaning into a knowingness that I would find some healing. How ironic…here I was in the mountains when I finally reached a personal plateau and was able to enjoy the view.

This has been a fun year for me. I would even go so far to say one of my best years. As I began reflecting on this thought, I realized there was a lot of pain and personal growth for me along with the joy and happiness. There have been strong lessons and challenges playing out in my life. The idea of being able to live and manage duality when it comes to opposing feelings. The ability to have the capacity to hold complex feelings without feeling completely downtrodden. To work with these complexities and still enjoy the fullness of life is difficult, but now I see it as possible.

For years, I thought I was supposed to be happy all the time. It seemed the messages from society were always saying, “If you aren’t happy then you are doing something wrong in your life.” If it were only that simple. Unfortunately for myself and many others, the messaging made me think there was something wrong with me. I’ve finally started to embrace and understand feelings arrive in pockets of time as the scenes of my life quickly change right before my eyes.

I’m learning that as the feelings change, I can embrace each one in the moment and let it go as the next one comes in. There is nothing wrong with me. This is what it is to be human…we get the full-meal-deal when it comes to experiencing feelings and emotions every day.

As you take time to reflect on 2022, what lessons/teachings/messages have come up for you? 

Over the next 2 weeks, find some time to sit in silence. See what information comes to you as you reflect on your own carousel of 2022. None of us got through this year unscathed. We all had some painful growth spurts, lessons learned, and moments to celebrate.

Write it down. Embrace, enjoy, and celebrate the wisdom from your own life. We are all pretty amazing individuals.

Andrea Lantz