Come Alive in 2023


“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

When I observe our country, we are in a refined and artificial sugar epidemic. This epidemic is hidden in plain sight, laced in products that do not need any form of sugar. Furthermore, excessive amounts of salt, inflammatory oils, and other unnecessary ingredients are being added to foods. Many people are walking around with low grade inflammation all the time due to the food they consume in restaurants and at home. Our food industry has trained people to think that living in this state is normal.

I’m here to say, this does not have to be normal any longer. For the last 2 1/2 years I have been testing my 3 month program, Project Break Free: Refined & Artificial Sugars.” My mission is to deepen people’s awareness of what they eat and show them how to still enjoy the sweetness of life in a healthier way.

I have so much passion when I share this information. It truly makes me come alive. When I think about the transitions I have made when it comes to sugar, it is laughable to me: a pastry chef and lifetime sugar addict turned to clean eating. It is totally unimaginable, yet it has happened.

The benefits of this change has created a life with less brain fog, inflammation, moodiness, headaches, pain, and more energy. I have created a life with less dis-ease for myself. I have a deep passion to share this knowledge; to gently assist other people as they shift the way they eat.

As I move through 2023, I will be guiding people to increase their alive-ness through movement (yoga), breathing (yoga), quieting the mind (yoga), and feeding the body nutritious foods (yoga). Caring for all aspects of the body is yoga.

What do you need to do to increase your alive-ness this year? If you need yoga classes and healthy recipes, check out my online yoga platform. If you are ready to take the next step when it comes to refined sugar, check out Project Break Free.

Be sure to pause and ask yourself, “What makes me come alive?” The answers might blow your socks off. Be courageous. Go take a step towards growing that fire and come alive!

Andrea Lantz