What are you consuming?


Now that you’ve completed one week of the new year, contemplate what you were consuming last week. Ask yourself:

1) What was I buying? Why was I buying it? Will I be sending it to a landfill in 6 months?

2) What was I eating? How did it make me feel?

3) What was I watching? (tv, social media, people, nature) What kind of feelings did ‘watching’ evoke for me?

4) What was I listening to? (music, podcasts, audio books, tv, silence)

5) What kind of information was I consuming? (books, conversations, news outlets)

What did you discover about yourself?

When you quiet the external noise of the world and turn inward, you can learn why you are making some of your decisions. This builds self-awareness, so you can make decisions that are best for you.

Andrea Lantz