Who Needs a Coach for This One?


What if you began to let go of the negative thoughts you carry every day?

Think about it, what negative thought do you have today that you had yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that?

This same thought has been reoccurring in your brain so regularly you don’t even realize it has become a habit to think and feel this negative thought daily.

We unconsciously program ourselves to have some of these negative thoughts. For example, when I am making my coffee, I start to worry and begin dreading my to do list. My body begins to feel anxious, and my brain is off to the races.

When I step out of the programming, I can see that I have a great day planned. I am totally prepared for this day no matter what is on my plate. The issue lies in the days before when I had spent so many days unconsciously programming myself to dread the future when I made my coffee.

What if you took time to identify these secretive negative thoughts, then chose to be aware of them when they creep up on you? And then when they do creep up on you, you will be so aware, you can say, “Hey… hey… hey… thought, we are going to reframe you today. Yup, we are going to enjoy this to-do list, and I am going to tap into a different emotion in this moment.”

You keep tapping into that new emotion every day and pretty soon you have built a new thought process by consciously changing the old thought pattern.

It works. You can do this.

Want a coach to encourage you through these shifts? Heck yal, you do! DM me and let’s get started.

Andrea Lantz