Balance Is Tough


For years the repetitive statement ‘work-life balance’ has been thrown around. It became another stressor for us humans to ponder-Am I doing it right? Maybe I should be doing it better.

In the last year, this thought process has become archaic to me. Truly living isn’t compartmentalizing work+life. Truly living is learning how to live from your own truth and authenticity in all aspects of your life. You are no longer identified as an employee, a parent, a spouse, a teammate. You are simply you, gently flowing from the truth of your being, choosing to participate in every moment. At this point, every moment is no longer identified as work, as cooking supper, as giving the kids a bath. Your life then becomes your meditation because you are leading with your heart, your intuition, the truth of your being.

All of us are learning how to transition in this new world we are living in. Can you answer the call of your heart? Can you break down the need for identification and let your soul guide your way? Let go of the perfectionism and let your authenticity bloom. It will be messy, yet you may feel more balance. Take this time to begin listening to your intuition so the logical mind can have a little more balance.

Andrea Lantz