

My first experience with isolation began at the beginning of summer 2017. Josslyn had just turned 3 and was diagnosed with a rare cancer called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH). When she started treatment, I felt the weight of the world on me to protect her immune system that would become weakened in order to fight the disease (aka dis-ease) in her body. It was scary. What if we didn’t do a good enough job protecting our child? I was operating from a place of fear, anxiety, and defeat.

When I look back at this time three years ago, I can clearly see how far I have come. I no longer operate from the places mentioned above. I operate from a place of inner strength and inner wisdom. I am no longer a victim in my life. I am now in charge of my life.

How do I know this? I had an opportunity to test myself last fall when Joss had her craniectomy. To me, it felt like the biggest test of my life. Could I detach myself from the fear of the unknown and allow my daughter to be cared for by Dr. Jodi Smith, knowing this surgery was extremely dangerous? Could I peacefully sit with the discomfort? Turns out, I could. It was a beautiful experience. Intense, yes, but peaceful.

What helped me achieve this state of being was working with Soul Goals Coach, Kasey Dreier. Kasey guided me to discover myself on a deeper level of self-love, purpose, and inner peace. I still work with Kasey to this day. She has been the force behind the creation of my own Mental Health Coaching business.

Today, I invite you to learn more about my Mental Health Coaching service. Email me ( to schedule a free 30 minute virtual appointment so we can discuss what the program looks like and find if it is a good fit for you OR someone you love.

Isolation can be uncomfortable, but maybe the discomfort is asking you to learn more about yourself on a deeper level. As I say in yoga class, “We do yoga to learn how to become comfortable with the discomfort.” The discomfort is not going away BUT we do have a choice to either be the victim or to dig deeper and find our inner strength.

Andrea Lantz