Who Is My Hero?


I was doing the last 5 minutes of my work out on the stair climber today. A song with the word hero came on. My brain went on a tangent and asked, “Who is your hero, Andrea?”

Instantaneously my whole being had this gentle explosion inside and then the answer came out as, “Me.”

The answer was tender. It was obvious. It was powerful and luxurious. It was like two neurons have been trying to find each other in my brain for years and today they finally came together on the stair climber.

Yes, I am my own hero. Over the last year, I have committed to showing up for myself. I make decisions that are in alignment with my desires. Living from this authenticity has allowed me to grow into something I could not even comprehend six months ago, let alone one year ago.

Be your own hero. Discover yourself on a deeper level. Join me for a coaching session, community yoga class, or my workshop, Shake Off “The Right Way” Culture. www.andrealantz.me/workwithme

Andrea Lantz