Empaths & Emotions


Any empaths out there? If so, this week you may have experienced a variety of feelings and emotions. Empaths tend to be highly sensitive people. They understand energies of other people outside themselves. The upheaval with the human race has been very heavy on my heart this week. The destruction and rage that has been shown across our country makes it very apparent many people need a place to shed the turbulent energy within their bodies.

As human beings, we literally explode verbally and/or physically after we have held in pent up anger and rage for so long. Our nervous system can no longer handle the strong energy inside and it has to come out of the body.

So what kind of tools can we utilize within our own being to deal with pent up emotions? Allow yourself to experience the emotion. Feel it in your body, cry it out, scream it out, exercise it out. This cleanses your nervous system bringing you out of fight or flight and back to a state of equilibrium.

When an animal gets attacked by an other animal in the woods, it literally shakes off the experience to move past the trauma. Once the predator leaves the prey alone, the prey will literally shake and shake and shake and shake. (Google it. There are great videos on this.) Then once the animal is done shaking, it will walk off like nothing ever happened.

The shaking was the cleansing of the nervous system. It allowed a clearing out of the trauma in the animal’s energetic body. Many of us have been taught that we can show emotion, but it can’t be too loud, too emotional, nor last too long. When we don’t release all of the emotions, it energetically lives in our bodies. Creating tension, knots, shallow breathing, and many other health issues.

For me, I have spent most of my life in a place of fight or flight energy. I never fully released the pain inside because I was afraid it was too uncomfortable for the people around me.

Last May during my yoga psychology training, I had the opportunity to clear out some of this energy that I have been collecting throughout my life. I participated in an exercise introduced by Mona Miller. I literally beat the hell out of these cushions with a bat. I screamed and yelled and spoke out painful feelings from long ago.

When I was done, I had to regain my balance and then my body started shaking, just like I had seen animals do on the videos. I had released old memories stuck in my subconscious and energetic body. My body felt light and free. It was an experience I had never known before.

Before this experience, I didn’t know I could live without being in a constant state of anxiety with a side of fear. The experience changed my life for the better. It gave me a tool to help process emotions that live in my body.

Why am I sharing this with all of you? As we watch our own emotions and people’s emotions around us, remember they have to be let out. The longer we hold these traumatic energies in our body, the more destructive they come out. We can judge people by how they act all we want, but the truth is we all have feelings and emotions that need nurturing.

Check in with yourself, what are you ready to release? Go find a safe place and let that shit out. When we release these old energy patterns, it allows space for more empathy to live within us.

Sending you love and peace. Namaste.

Andrea Lantz