Clean Eating Recipes


This last month has been full of preparation for the Andrea Lantz Yoga + Coaching video online platform that is now available at The video options include: Beginner Yoga, Breathwork, Chair Yoga, Meditation, and Yoga Flow. Included with the videos is my collection of Clean Eating Recipes.

As I have changed my eating habits over the last 3 years, finding yummy, accessible recipes was the hardest part. The recipes included on my platform contain no refined sugar and no wheat flour. I have found refined sugar has a negative effect on my mood and mental clarity. Wheat flour contributes to my joint pain. If you are interested in making some shifts in how you eat, maybe this will be helpful for you.

In March, my husband, Doug, decided to change his eating habits when he began working from home. His eating journey of no refined sugar, no wheat flour, and a personal chef named Andrea turned into a 20 lb. weight loss.

So, was he working out, too? During the month of April, he was doing my live yoga classes twice a week and eating a cleaner diet. His experience wasn’t some massive life change where he felt deprived and put pressure on himself to work out. It was a gradual, “I want to see how this will make me feel'“, so I will give it a try. The toughest part for Doug was switching his afternoon snack from an easy to grab granola bar to fresh fruit.

As you contemplate whether you will be interested in this online platform, remember it takes intention for us to feel well as we navigate this life. If we want our bodies to feel better we have to nourish our cells with nutritional food, with our breath, and with movement. When we intentionally choose to care for our bodies, we will continue to improve our overall being mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Andrea Lantz