Mind. Blown.


I received a card this past weekend- M I N D. B L O W N. The interior states, “So proud of you and all you’ve accomplished. Congratulations!” It also included a handwritten letter that had this phrase… “There’s something unique I see in this passion from the others (previous professions) you’ve served. This is the first passion that’s truly serving you back.” So, why does this card have so much significance that I am telling you about it on my blog?

The words in this card told me that I am seen in the same manner of how I feel on the inside. They match!

For years, I have worked so hard to please other people. I wanted to keep people safe from opinions they might not like. I was always managing peace and happiness for others and slowly belittling my self-esteem on the inside. In the past, I looked like I was happy on the exterior. I was saying and doing all the right things to appear comfortable and make others feel comfortable. Was I being fake or insincere? No, I just didn’t know how to exist in this world when other people were uncomfortable.

People would give me compliments like what a talented pastry chef, you are a strong mother, you are so lucky-you can talk to anyone, yet inside there was this dark, heavy feeling of sadness and misery. How could everything around me look so good and I feel so out of place inside my own body? The difference now compared to the past, I put the brakes on my codependency patterns and started living from my own authority. I no longer let other people influence what is right for me. I listen to my wisdom that has always lived in me. It has been the key to bringing back the luster in my shine.

I have put in hours of work to bring this shift into my life. I have grown into something I could not even comprehend three years ago: I have desires. I flourish. I enjoy life. This transformation in my own life has led me to create a workshop called, Shake Off “The Right Way” Culture.

Now is the time for me to share my tools with you, so you can discover where you would like to make shifts in your own life. Join me March 7th @ Purdue University’s Rueff Gallery. Sign Up Here.

Andrea Lantz